Vision Boards app

So what are vision boards?

vision board, also known as a dream board or inspiration board, is a collage of images, words and phrases that represent your goals and aspirations. By creating a visual representation of what you want to achieve with your vision boards app, you can see your goals in a tangible way, which can increase motivation and commitment to achieving them. By constantly looking at it, the subconscious mind can be influenced to work towards manifesting those aspirations.

Always keep your goals and dream life in mind

A vision boards app is a powerful psychological tool that helps you to keep your desires and goals in life clear in your mind and present at all times. You combine images, affirmations and symbols that represent your dream life, inspire and motivate you. This is how you can effectively use the Law of Attraction and take it into your own hands to become happy.

Basically, a vision board works very simply: the more vividly you have the idea of your dream life in mind, the more motivated you are to achieve it. You take the necessary steps towards your goals automatically and without doubt – sometimes even unconsciously.

So a vision board is quite effective. But: A vision board app is even more powerful! Here is what it is and how you can use it for yourself.

What is a vision boards app?

A “classic” vision board, which can now be found on the wall in quite a few households, is a picture collage in the form of a poster, a board or something similar. The downside: it only stimulates you in one way, and that’s through your sense of sight.

A digital vision board, also known as a mind movie, like the Perfectly Happy vision boards app, appeals to several of your senses. Moving images, spoken affirmations and inspiring music bring your goals to life and evoke even stronger emotions – the basis for effective visualization.

And best of all: You always have your digital vision board with you, no matter when or where you want to look at it. Why not use the time you spend waiting at the airport, on the subway, or during your coffee break at work to mentally visualize, feel, and believe in your dream life?

 With the Perfectly Happy digital vision boards app, you always have your little mental companion in your pocket.

How does a digital vision boards app work?

“When you see it in front of you and believe in it, it’s much easier for you to achieve it.”


The function of both “classic” and digital vision boards is based on the Law of Attraction. It says that your thoughts determine where your life goes – because we attract what we think and radiate. The following four points will ensure that you get one step closer to your goals every day with the help of vision boards:

How do you use a digital vision boards app?

“Never go to sleep without a message to your subconscious.”


… and that’s it! It doesn’t take more than these three simple steps to achieve any goal in your life. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a career, relationship, family and friends, health or material things – you can achieve what you want in every respect. Perfectly Happy will help you with that.

How the Perfectly Happy Vision Boards app can be of help to you

The Perfectly Happy vision boards app uses the combination of inspiring images and positive affirmations spoken in a calm voice. It stimulates you on both, a conscious and subconscious level.

The Perfectly Happy vision boards app is your simple and essential tool for working on your goals and dreams. Try it now for free and and discover the other functions such as the happiness diary. Your full potential is waiting to be realized!

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